We were back with our young family installing Tether EnviroQ sensors*. With these sensors, we will be able to get a much better understanding as to the health of this home.
Unlike the first day we went out, Thursday (June 18th) was wet and bleak allowing a completely different perspective of how this home protects the people within it.
In the weeks to come, we will share with you the entire journey all skillfully captured by the team at Comptondc.
Asthma NZ's intention for going on this journey is to lift the lid on Pandora's box. For too long we have lived in houses which make us sick, believing that this is normal. IT IS NOT!
We will do whatever it takes to see wholesale change to how we build and repair our homes. Homes exist to protect us from the elements and keep us healthy. Somewhere along the line this appears to have been lost.
* The Tether EnviroQ is a battery (or mains) powered indoor environmental quality monitoring system for housing that is designed to ensure quality living, learning and working conditions all year round. It measures indoor temperature, humidity, CO2, lighting levels, ambient noise levels, air pressure and dew point – 24 hours a day.